[Bell Historians] Dame Francis Stapleton bell

Chris Pickford c.j.pickford.t21 at MQRtLcyp_VnVGEKS6HwMqvmS26YaKnD5IwwLmzzZq6DjqlXYUigkLXQrYnKhvfxtU-BSNdsPESsffdwU15_ZdCRd-k6F.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 14 07:25:53 GMT 2009

Holes in the bell. The extra photo does show a clapper, but I can't make out quite how it is hung. One of the holes in the crown shows clearly, though, suggesting that it is not now used for a false staple. All I would say "in defence" is that the method of drilling two fresh holes for a false staple is very common in England - which is why it seemed the natural and obvious suggestion. 

I'm quite sure the ship's bell idea is wrong (as is the suggested value of $50k - surely!) although the plantation bell theory is possible (especially if it proves that the bell is not by an English founder). But the hammer indentation marks show it has been used as a clock bell - so probably hung in a stable turret (or similar) on a country estate both as a clock bell and also to be swung. The hammer marks align with the canons showing a clock hammer at right angles to the direction of swing

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