[Bell Historians] Church clock maintenance contracts

Frank King Frank.King at iRodo2bBFjnWHd6_Cnyd8_HRPhaDvdf00FI6nGON8BGKKjNTOBJHyKhRNpVHct49OxiB7dS-I0Gh0ejNXjL6l8XA.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 20 21:17:37 GMT 2010

Dear Dickon

You are getting lots of advice.  I echo
Chris Pickford.  You really should get
a professional to look once a year.  It
is hard for an amateur to tell when a
top-hat bush needs replacing for example.

You should note that just as there are
Diocesan Bell Advisers there are also
Diocesan Clock Advisers and it is worth
finding out who is relevant to you.

The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers
[which was founded before the Ancient
Society of College Youths] can advise
too.  See:


I am more cautious than many in what I
write in e-mails but it is certainly true
that a reputable clock company can send
along a duff engineer who can vandalise
a clock in no time at all.

Two well-known companies have been mentioned
already and you can look at their web sites



The first is the Cumbria Clock Company
The second is self-identifying.

It is important that the local who is assigned
to look after a clock (that's you in this case)
should make a cursory check quite frequently.

A brief look on practice night or on Sunday
morning is a good idea.  You quickly learn
when something doesn't sound quite right and
can take remedial action.

Get to cherish your clock and watch over any
engineer who visits like a hawk!

Frank H. King
Keeper of the University Clock


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