[Bell Historians] Is this bell the original or a recast?

ticktocktwang declan.maher at tjZtW2CW_JevvnBkcuxs4SqhkOBxK_l6-pX3f8pik76CKNTE_EIwjloW-NkVrA9XijSwsUhVpH9Vvimj.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jan 2 20:53:02 GMT 2010

Thank you for that good news Chris.

Regarding dimensions, Tuam RC  bell is  (Imperial) Height of 3 Ft , Mouth diameter of 4 Ft. and the Crown diameter is circa 2 Ft. 2''   (my measurements, so circa is the operative word!!).  However, the following quote from Fred Dukes Book "Campanology in Ireland" should be noted if making a guestimate: 

 "Murphy bells were usually cast thinner than conventional bells, which resulted in false indications of weight by dimensions of the mouth, and a lower note sounded than for bells of other makes having same diameter.  For example, the 1877 Tenor of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, measured 62½ inches, which would normally scale 43 cwts.  In fact, when it went to Taylor's Bell-Foundry in 1979, it weighed only 36 cwts, and its note was B.  The new bell is 63 inches and weighs just over 45 cwts: it is tuned to same note B."


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