[Bell Historians] How many ringers in UK

Nick Bowden nickwbowden at spPhUhDYjl_zhhc5PIhE5HX3ILhTjNgc9S61pbcFzjWelBqieC-y8xkQ6FgTzHuyyDT4RPx7FX38OQhe7HyAJ5QN.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jan 29 17:10:56 GMT 2010

From: Dickon Love <dickon at zLd3Hmw2knzmMcR5_BGe4xCSklOxur5-BhP3YC0mIaIhfDutgYGRfAvD4vxYP4GwpVKFpWvLj6n6AA.yahoo.invalid>

I've just been asked this question by the BBC. Can anyone answer this 
for me?

I have a feeling if I say 40,000 then the alarms sound and I lose 10 
points a la 'QI' but that is figure that is often (mis)quoted.


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