[Bell Historians] YMCA Jerusalem - Carillon

Carl Scott Zimmerman csz_stl at hiwEzs5ggFmnSSmglUrl9aUcZLBWYPDVJMjT-PyX1kT5Rt_0rirXEXavEFw3OLgo7vWiTV2eboi92A4.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jun 11 05:28:08 BST 2010

The Jerusalem carillon appears in the worldwide list of carillons on 
the WCF Website (www.carillon.org), though with minimal information. 
There is a page about this carillon on the GCNA Website, including a 
locator map and link to the Website of the Jerusalem YMCA.

The Jerusalem tubular chime now has a similar new page on the 
TowerBells.org Website.

For those who like to travel, as Alan obviously does, you might find 
it helpful to explore the regional locator map sets which are 
available on those two Websites.  The GCNA Website has one set for 
traditional carillons worldwide, and another for all tower bell 
instruments worldwide (excepting only rings in the British Isles), 
though a few parts are still incomplete.  The TowerBells Website has 
a set for tubular chimes worldwide (excepting only those in the 
British Isles).

Corrections, suggestions and questions are always welcome.

Carl Scott Zimmerman, Campanologist
  Avocation:   tower bells:   www.gcna.org - Webmaster
  Recreation:  handbells:     www.gatewayringers.org
  Mission:     church bells:  www.TowerBells.org - Webmaster
Voicemail: +1-314-821-8437 (home)     E-mail: csz_stl at 2xwhXc3y3hPM8yC4ap61tH4-upaQZWw5R3K5KBIvzholwhkCIPqHjE2AH7gCGzaR_JhwnCOQfMbBzab1.yahoo.invalid
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA   -  19th c. home of at least 35 bell
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .           foundries or resellers

At 05:42 -0700 2010/06/04, Alan Ellis wrote:
>Hello Everyone,
>Does anyone out there have knowledge of the reported carillon in the 
>YMCA tower in Jerusalem? 
>Having just returned from Israel and having seen the YMCA tower, I 
>have just learned that it has, reportedly, a carillon!   If I had 
>only known, I would have attempted a visit.
>My wife and I did get to hear some of the catholic church bells in 
>Jerusalem and see the Harrington tubular bells at Christ Church.
>Best wishes


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