[Bell Historians] Cornhill Judgement

Peter Rivet peter at thx8drFBIMmP-iQh2JS_97sJ7TiVR3H2SvlYtReImPDGP57IBqiw9wvb-UiVMN4RiloWiNnAnOJFA4dP.yahoo.invalid
Fri Sep 10 17:17:13 BST 2010

I can only agree - it makes it look as if firm A is trying to protect its
traditional territory.

Peter Rivet

"One disturbing thing is that "A" firm quoted to replace the ring and and
have no objections, but when a contract is awarded to rival firm "B", then a
Director of firm "A" raises objections in a public manner-That is not good
publicity for the bell founding/hanging trade."
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