[Bell Historians] Diagonal Frames

David Bagley david at kD45ogeQOTZww0wn6k_8BqOjWOxFNxsqXX4KxBGsoponnfX2UPTTWuHH_IZmN7PjBX4m3WhiY-BUMbiaNwkDsgQ.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jan 8 22:02:54 GMT 2011

The diagonal frames at Strensham and Powick are both Abraham Rudhall I jobs 
of 1705, so they might both be some kind of experiment from the Gloucester 

At a time when bell founders were paid by the weight of metal they put in a 
tower, it seems rather strange to  put a diagonal frame which doesn't use 
all the available space.

In any case, I don't know of any other Rudhall work in diagonal frames.... 
unless somebody else knows otherwise!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Chester" <mike at Xh9rp9s-OXiKE_QyKoiBzbBB2GiSM586xJ_dxBNowoP0bxucgHbvIxwdJLjVQ-qDUQH-0o2Q5onQBdcmcVyKE1XoO8KytA.yahoo.invalid>
To: <bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 11:32 AM
Subject: [Bell Historians] Diagonal Frames

Can I be really thick?  (Again!)

Why put frames in diagonally - it seems to me that space would be wasted in 
comparison to a frame that is set in line with the 4 walls of the tower.  Is 
it simply to move the thrust of the bells into a different, perhaps stonger 
for the tower, plane?



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