[Bell Historians] Church Bells of Lancashire

Ronald Shepherd ronaldshepherd at D8PG0QE7dNDIPaT_vYs2HHEEWNokHZ0-CmcWRSBoVeGwiMUWbnDRT43t4DH6RF5ScbwJBTaQa3K7h_gFoF14f7CA4w.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jul 30 02:01:24 BST 2011

Alan,I would be interested in the Church Bells of Lancashire even at 100 pounds,put me down.Do you have any other copies of your books available that you produced in the past for sale? Ron

From: "alan_ellis at YqraQazgNqLqHhl6y2kziUqf7g_NGKzCcC-OD4hEgH4rId3HTB40g8IOOPLmFRJ_L3Q9_4cHCb62K93xCNc.yahoo.invalid" <alan_ellis at YqraQazgNqLqHhl6y2kziUqf7g_NGKzCcC-OD4hEgH4rId3HTB40g8IOOPLmFRJ_L3Q9_4cHCb62K93xCNc.yahoo.invalid>
To: change-ringers at 2rpkZRhLI3O-tChCFQdpzcCSmZYv_NG9jnBRjtwEl8uxAxXJj0qaeT6xaT30IVsu5ZxCmzQIsqJa7SeZtfzt_EXUOifbuA.yahoo.invalid; ringing-chat at LLr_MhWJ1WQjpQ0vvL00a1t84yxDyK-tfnGjpoD3gARqTZl0FHl4i1BNa8xDfIpT5AtsZsF55tX_Iy-7cdp1_Y4d0pA.yahoo.invalid; bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, 30 July 2011 8:11 AM
Subject: [Bell Historians] Church Bells of Lancashire

An analysis of the work required to produce a facsimile copy of Church Bells of Lancashire indicates that such a book would be about 650 pages, including the photos, plates, illustrations plus an index which will need to be prepared.   

The book will be based upon the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society published in nine volumes between 1914 and 1928.

It will be the usual A5 size, printed on acid free recycled paper, hand sewn and hard bound as usual.   Cloth colour yet to be determined.   Any suggestions?

Anticipated publication will be in 6 to 12 months.   A lot faster than CB Shropshire as the scanning, cleaning, etc., will be in my hands and not someone elses.

The price will be some GBP100.00, whether in a single or a double volume.

To get an idea of numbers required, please let me know if you are interested within that cost estimate. 

Like Shropshire, this one is not yet available on the WWW!

If there are too few people interested, then I will not go ahead with this project.

Best wishes

Alan Ellis
Ellis Publishing

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