[Bell Historians] Inventory of Church Goods 1552

Chris Pickford c.j.pickford.t21 at -UZZgvtrBSt05IbmguZluEaj0Yt1lFqmeR0i0_4wHEDLcXFHD68YBZ2Au5Km8tokqYWQ2hJCaeN7SbPP46-fWtpH6AYXZw.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jan 20 23:04:10 GMT 2012

The original Edwardian (1552) Inventories of church goods are at the
National Archives (TNA class E315/495-515). The catalogues are online
nowadays, but the older lists were published by the List & Index Society in
Vols.16 and vol.96, and these may be available in well-stocked reference


The inventories for many counties have been published - in a variety of
forms and with varying degrees of reliability - but I don't know if the
Lancashire inventories survive or if they have ever been published.


Chris Pickford

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