[Bell Historians] Can anyone help with a likely founder for this bell?

Chris Pickford c.j.pickford.t21 at irUn76segv6i-xnb-W9aurSfpErHbwJBXAtRlP4PQhe3CYn9WPsZ8_cI-1Zu4XiDMft0gTh6PW8rmuVFp9VY6Z76SVUs.yahoo.invalid
Thu Sep 13 14:38:36 BST 2012

Agree with all that DLC says on this. Warners did cast bells of this 
type, but I wasn't suggesting that they made this one. I thouight not, 
too - the canons, as he says, aren't right for Warners. I have seen some 
very early - and very small - Taylor of Oxford bells like this, and 
others that are just dated (the sort that everyone attributes to Mears - 
but could well be by other, unidentified founders).

There were firms - like Tench in Kidderminster - who did quite a line in 
small unmarked bells. That particular firm issued illustrated catalogues 
showing their range of bell products in the 1870s. Ever heard of them? 
Ever seen any bells attributed to them? [there is one with their name on 
at Franche, 1871] The point is that Tench wasn't the only firm like this 
- and it's a mistake (a big one) to assume that all bells are the work 
of "proper" bellfounders

Chris Pickford
E-mail: c.j.pickford at SoMxQBe9DrodgNzOgQYw945EKgu30ci-qxVmkhH4Dmo6xE-YYjbB_lZOehkBWbwJq7UZOi79_hinQEi-cA.yahoo.invalid or (interchangeably) 
c.j.pickford.t21 at ih6RMk69JKkjiBHXFAZv7BqgIbpcj-pd7bClu_U4eBDNiNAyDVeieC5-bM_uncWJOxj52MUMkEYV0ACa0eoMItXt8KFS6AfrFw.yahoo.invalid


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