[Bell Historians] Guild Reports for Disposal [1 Attachment]

Ben Waller b.j.waller@hotmail.co.uk [bellhistorians] bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Mon Jul 16 23:16:30 BST 2018

Dear all,

I have sorted through a large box of reports for a range of societies that was given to me a few years ago. I attach a list of those that I wish to dispose of; they will be consigned to recycling in a week unless someone wants any (or all) of them. I am hoping that any collectors may have a gap or two to fill!

They are available to collect from me for free, or for cost of postage. Alternatively they may be exchanged for any ODG or W&P reports missing from my collections!

Please reply off-list if you are interested, or know of someone that may be..


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