[Bell Historians] Ashbourne

'Chris Pickford' c.j.pickford.t21@btinternet.com [bellhistorians] bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com
Sun Sep 1 18:25:12 BST 2019

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As sent off (they left the works on 21 January 1896) the bells weighed 5-0-23, 5-2-25, 5-2-21, 6-0-7, 6-2-9, 7-2-20, 9-3-20, 13-1-21.


Presumably (as Bill suggests) the canons were removed at that time, but that’s not explicitly stated in any of the records I've checked. 


The Whitechapel records show that the bells were rehung in a new teak frame in 1932, with new gudgeons and bearings to the existing headstocks. There are no details of the bells in the tunings books, and I assume that the bells remained at the church.


So, they don’t seem to have been retuned in either 1896 or 1932


Chris Pickford

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