[Bell Historians] The ongoing evolution of Dove online

Mike Chester mikechester at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 4 19:30:05 BST 2020

I spoke to John Baldwin a few years ago and he was even then spending the equivalent of nearly a full working week keeping Dove up to date. Adding to the data held will take up even more time and it therefore must have a positive cost-benefit.

Adding things that only a very small number of people are interested in would have a negative result.


From: Bell-historians <bell-historians-bounces at lists.ringingworld.co.uk> on behalf of Andrew Cairns <andrew at anycairns.co.uk>
Sent: Saturday, July 4, 2020 7:01:27 PM
To: Bell Historians Mailing List <bell-historians at lists.ringingworld.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Bell Historians] The ongoing evolution of Dove online

When Campanophile and Bellboard were in competition it struck me that it would be much better if the CCCBR maintained a central database and others developed websites capable of querying it. This could allow for novel ways of displaying the information or adding other abstraction such as which towers in Dove you had rung at and when. I still use WinRK to create sets of peals/quarters that can be searched more easily than via Bellboard but really that should be feasible online.


On Sat, 4 Jul 2020, 18:31 John Gwynne, <gwynnej3 at gmail.com<mailto:gwynnej3 at gmail.com>> wrote:
Let’s hope the Dove team are employing sound requirements management.  Projects like this frequently get asked “please can you just add...” when folk get to know about them. It’s known as requirements creep or mission creep.
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