[Bell Historians] Warner 1867
oliver Lee
oliverbellringer at outlook.com
Wed Aug 25 16:22:15 BST 2021
Like chris says there are no warner archives, I can remember reading somewhere years ago that most of their records where stored at the Spellman street foundry Spitalfields (which they moved to in 1895) and where destroyed by an incendiary bomb in December 1940. However judging from your description it is quite possible that this bell was one of many that the firm cast specifically for works and the like, I can remember my friend Nigel Taylor telling me that he found one in a Cornish tin mine on holiday!. I am also very surprised that warner’s actually exported to America as their main customers tended to be either commonwealth countries or (in very rare cases Europe).
I hope this helps your enquiry
Oliver lee
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From: Carl S Zimmerman<mailto:csz_stl at swbell.net>
Sent: 24 August 2021 18:27
To: Bell Historians Mailing List<mailto:bell-historians at lists.ringingworld.co.uk>
Subject: [Bell Historians] Warner 1867
The Montauk Historical Society, Montauk, New York (on the eastern tip of Long Island) has discovered an 1867 Warner & Sons bell in their barn, and no one in that Society has any idea where it might have come from.
Does anyone know of any Warner-related resources that might be helpful in solving this mystery? (Obviously I don't.)
Carl Scott Zimmerman, Campanologist
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA -
- 19th c. home of at least 37 bell founders or resellers
Tel. +1(314)821-8437
Webmaster for www.TowerBells.org
* Avocation: tower bells
* Recreation: handbells
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