[Bell Historians] Early rings of eight

c.j.pickford at talk21.com c.j.pickford at talk21.com
Sat Mar 13 18:28:24 GMT 2021

I've got a list of the rings of TEN (some of which were eights before they became ten) and staged lists showing dates of augmentation for several counties, but haven't attempted an eight-bell list per se. I also have in my files a similar staged list compiled by Cyril Wratten in the 1980s or early 1990s (probably not the latest version of it). Might be worth just checking "Sanderson" to make sure Cyril didn’t publish at least some of the stuff he'd researched in that series.

Happy to dig out some of this stuff and knock it into shape for you to build on if you like, Richard. It would be a fairly hasty exercise just to grab some of the obvious (and much less obvious) ones to set you on the track.

Have just seem Matthew's posting. The Urchfont mystery has been resolved, and they weren't an early eight. The two trebles came from nearby Stert around 1805 (see the article by Anne Willis in RW 2013 p.268).

Chris Pickford
Kinver (UK)
Tel: 07811-453525
e-mail: pickford 5040 at gmail.com 

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