[Bell Historians] Kemberton

Nigel Taylor nigelsdtaylor at outlook.com
Thu May 19 07:21:18 BST 2022

This only came about because a tuner dared to describe a ring as A#!
I have recorded various people singing scales and found they sing in no particular temperament, with variationsfrom ET by up to 20 cents. Blackbirds however, sing JI!

As far as the general public are concerned, there has been some progress with understanding the concept of bellringing. I no longer hear the Quasimodo jokes or asked if I go up in the air when ringing, if I mention bellringing to non-ringers. However, I think ringing needs far more publicity in order to attract recruits, if it is to have a future beyond a few ringing centres.

Nigel Taylor

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From: Bell-historians <bell-historians-bounces at lists.ringingworld.co.uk> on behalf of Mike Chester <mikechester at hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 7:58:12 PM
To: Bell Historians Mailing List <bell-historians at lists.ringingworld.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Bell Historians] Kemberton

Surely the first thing is to define who this is aimed at?  If it is a guide for the general ringing public, there is no need for a huge degree of precision and a decision on temperaments, etc.

If this is the case, every one of them is likely to understand Equal Temperament to some degree, even if they have not heard of the term.  The vast majority of people who were to be asked to sing a scale would sing an E.T. Major scale, or at least attempt to!

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