[Bell Historians] On-line Dove expansion - lost rings etc

David Kelly david at thekloof.co.uk
Sun Jul 21 19:14:20 BST 2024

In response to Dickon’s posting earlier today (Oldest set of six?), lists of Lost rings, Transferred rings, Reduced rings, Chimes to rings are already available and may be found on the Keltek Trust web site. They are in Excel format and are free for anyone to download. The information is in a similar format to the printed editions of Dove but does not contain the extensive information that on-line Dove now holds for each ring of bells.


The origin of the data was the eighth edition of Dove (1994) but has been greatly extended e.g. there have been over 250 updates to the Lost rings list in the past 20 years. The Lost rings of 3 list has been compiled from scratch with over 400 confirmed losses and a further 82 on the “Pending” list awaiting further investigation. Although the files are accessible on the Keltek Trust web site the compilation and updates are completely independent. I would like to pay a tribute to the late David Cawley who provided a wealth of information. Other main contributors include Chris Pickford, Tim Jackson, Nick Bowden and Mike Chester.


In due course we believe the data will be incorporated into the on-line Dove database and would be a sensible starting point for future expansion – e.g. details of individual bells, peal records etc. 


We were approached by the Dove Publications team asking for permission to include the data in Dove 10 and Dove 11 and this was readily given. We have yet to be approached by the on-line Dove team to use this data but permission will be readily given once a request is received.


The Keltek Trust does hold information that is not publicly available. We (KT) have made available to a member of the on-line Dove team “chosen by us” a list of source and destination places for the 900+ bells we have helped to relocate or are in the process of relocation and note that some details are already starting to appear in on-line Dove. We are not making the data freely available; as well as 788 transfers that have already taken place there are some 100+ pending transfers. Some of this information is sensitive and would be premature to make public. The “chosen member” consults us regarding the release of pending transfer information and we give permission on a case by case basis.


Dave Kelly


From: Bell-historians <bell-historians-bounces at lists.ringingworld.co.uk> On Behalf Of Dickon Love
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2024 11:04 AM
To: 'Bell Historians' <bell-historians at lists.ringingworld.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Bell Historians] Oldest set of six?


Carl asks about the feasibility of recording and reporting on former bells and collections of bells. As he rightly says, Dove is focussed on what is in existence now, however in the background the Dove Team is able to record bells/collections that are no-longer in existence. This is an area for future development, both in terms of the design of the database, and the gathering of data. In the first instance we’ll be recording lost full-circle rings in order to drive the corresponding tables in the published book appendices. In time, it will be possible to grow this data set. However, as Carl says, the history of these things goes back centuries, with many unknowns, so we’ll never get a complete dataset. It is a huge job!


Dickon Love

Bromley, Kent

07983 352279

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