[Bell Historians] The Duke Of York's Royal Military School, Guston near Dover

Ted Steele bells at tedsteele.plus.com
Sat Nov 30 20:14:07 GMT 2024

I met someone today who referred to a bell ringing group at the above 
school, which would have been around fifty or more years ago. He was 
watching us ring and said that the bells weren't rung in the same way, 
but he knew no more. An online search suggests that there are, or were 
bells in the school chapel and in particular a news item records that 
they were to be rung as part of the national ringing following the Notre 
Dame fire, but I can find no details. I assume a small chime, perhaps 
with an Ellacombe or similar. Does anyone have knowledge of these 
bells?  I suspect that I am missing something that should be obvious.


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