[Cherry-hinton-ringers] IMPORTANT NOTE: Update - Cherry Hinton ringing

Amanda Cator amanda_cator at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 18 07:52:42 GMT 2020

Hi All

Please see below for the latest update on Cherry Hinton ringing activities now that we have an official directive from the church.

Sunday Service ringing - cancelled until further notice, although CH church hopes to remain open between 10am - 2pm on Wednesdays & Sundays

Quarter Peal slot on Sunday 5 April - cancelled

Curry during Holy week - 7 April - cancelled, but to be held as a celebration when we return to ringing again

Gipson Trophy - first match 31 March - whole competition postponed until later in the year, or otherwise next year

Tower outing to Rutland - Sat 16 May organised by Annemarie - postponed, new date to be agreed for September

I think that is everything - do let me know if I've forgotten anything.

We will wait to hear more nearer the time re the District Striking Competition due to be held at C Hinton on Sat 13 June.

Thanks for your patience and understanding all - stay safe, well and in touch.




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