[Cherry-hinton-ringers] Cherry Hinton hosting District ADM - Sat 13 January

Tim Forsey timforsey at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 22:23:13 GMT 2024

Yes I’ll get coffee. Shame you didn’t tell me sooner about plates and napkins as I bought 50 of each today !!
Sent from my iPhone

> On 3 Jan 2024, at 20:19, Amanda Cator via Cherry-hinton-ringers <cherry-hinton-ringers at lists.beasts.org> wrote:
> Hi All
> Thanks for all the support in helping to host the District ADM at Cherry Hinton on Saturday 13 January.
> Just a note to confirm the final arrangements in advance of food shopping for next week and the plan for the day / week in terms of dropping off food offerings.
> Caroline and I will arrive in the church room at 2.30pm to start setting up and sorting out - any help with tables & chairs set up greatly appreciated.
> We will accept food offerings to the kitchen from 3pm (head round to the side door as the church front door won't be unlocked until just before ringing at 4pm). I've attached a reminder of food offerings which you've signed up for to the email.
> Tim - can you provide a jar of coffee ? - we have tons of paper plates and napkins from a previous occasion
> The ringing and meeting timings are as follows:
> 3pm - 4pm - ringing at Fulbourn
> 4pm - 5pm - ringing at Cherry Hinton
> 5pm -6pm - Tea
> 6pm - 7 - 7.30pm ish - ADM meeting
> Post 7pm any final clearing and washing up
> I'm planning to provide a bowl for tea donations - with suggestion of £3.50 per person - therefore if any reimbursements for costs are required, and I'll leave that up to you - either let me know before or see me at the end of the meeting.
> Help with washing up also appreciated.
> Thanks and let me know if you have any queries.
> Amanda
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