[r-t] irregular leadheads

Andrew Tyler antylerdb at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 3 21:01:20 UTC 2004

I spent some time looking at classifiaction for regular and irregular major methods many moons ago, and my observations may be of interest to those following this thread.

I limited myself to symmetric methods, with conventional place notations at the half-lead, as a matter of practicality at the time. At every half lead, one bell makes a place along with the hunt bell, while six remaining bells swap places as a member of one of three pairs. By testing all possible combinations of pairs and fixed bell, one arrives at the following conclusions.

1. There are eight groups of seven lead heads that yield 2nds place methods.

2. There are eight groups of seven lead heads that yield 8ths place methods.

3. the regular plain bob lead heads are the only group common to both 2nds place and 8ths place methods.

For my own purposes I categorized these as follows.

a) 2nds or 8ths place method

b) Group of lead heads (A-H)

c) Number of lead in that group. Rounds is lead number 1 in every group, the lead with the tenor in 7ths place is lead number 2 in each group (following from plain bob) and the other leads are numbered according to their transposition order from lead 2. 


For example, according to this nomenclature, 5738264 as the first lead head of Cambridge S Major would give a classification of 2A3 (2nds place, group A, lead 3), while 4263857 in Bristol S Major would give 8A7.

The attached Excel file gives the results and classification for all possible symmetric, major lead ends.

It has already been pointed out that assymmetric methods can lead to a far more diverse set of lead ends.

Andrew Tyler


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