[r-t] Wraps of Rounds

Graham John graham at changeringing.co.uk
Fri Nov 12 20:30:28 UTC 2004

I wrote:

> In Spliced TD Major you are limited by truth and construction to 9
> wraps out of the 17 possible, or 11 if you allow 78 in the place
> notation. These are all proper wraps (i.e. hand-back). Since DNCBM
> doesn't have the treble's down dodges, you could only get 4 proper
> wraps.

> 81234567
> 821xxxxx 2-3 up (1 possible)

> xx123456
> 7821xxxx 3-4 down (2 possible)

> xxx12345
> 67821xxx 4-5 up (3 possible, but 1 would have places in 78)

> xxxx1234
> 567821xx 5-6 down (2 possible, but 1 would have places in 78)

> xxxxx123
> 45678213 6-7 up (1 possible)

> xxxxxx12
> 34567821 7-8 down (1 possible)

> xxxxxxx1
> 23456781 half lead (1 possible)

You will have noted that I said "Spliced" above, which wasn't mentioned in
the original brief. That's because you need more than one place notation at
the same position to get the alternative possibilities in the same
composition. A single method would be limited to 7 wraps - one of each type.

Of course what I haven't considered is variable hunt. This could allow you
to produce all 17 wraps with a single method, since there is no restriction
where they have to occur in the lead.


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