[r-t] Mobile methods

Philip Saddleton pabs at cantab.net
Thu Sep 30 20:17:54 UTC 2004

Why stick to Surprise, when allowing 18 in the PN will lead to more 

There are six places within a lead of a Treble Dodging Major method 
where a bell can hunt directly from back to front or vice versa. These 
can be arranged to occur in six different place bells, so the pivot is 
the only one without this property.

Considering right-place only, without 78s in the PN, 2 and 4 are ruled 
out as possible pivots, and in practice 7 doesn't work. All 
possibilities are delight methods, and only one has been named: 
Buckhurst -3-4-5-23-4-8-6-8 a.

There are another four opportunities to hunt across the lead end. Eleven 
right-place methods have all ten, the only one named is Cambridge Blue 
(double, and an Earis production), but this does not pass the Hall test:
-36-1-5-36-4-1-36-1 j.

There is only one that passes both tests - the ultra-mobile
-3-45-25-1-4-1-6-1 g

With BDae falseness, there's plenty of scope for compositions.


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