[r-t] What's the meaning of a method having aparticularfalsecoursehead

Graham John graham at changeringing.co.uk
Mon Apr 25 10:51:52 UTC 2005

Leigh wrote:

> But consistency is surely the most important thing
> with a definition. I think defining group A falseness
> in the same way as all the other FCH groups is a good
> thing. Adding an extra caveat: "but if it's group A
> then everything's completely different" only confuses
> the issue. 

But it can be defined consistently both ways. 


1) FCH groups are groups of courses which are false to the plain course.


2) FCH groups are groups of courses which are internally false to the plain
course (i.e. have the same rows in different positions).

For definition "1", Group A is always present. For "2", A only applies to
methods false in the plain course.

Don was correct in saying that some people had been assuming "1" and some (me
included) "2" through de facto usage without really thinking about it.

As Leigh points out, from a CC perspective usage "2" is not required because
methods are not recognised if they are false in the plain course.


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