[r-t] Re: Exercise Mathods

Richard Smith richard at ex-parrot.com
Mon Jan 31 13:27:21 UTC 2005

Ben Willetts wrote:

> According to Steve Coleman in his "Method Ringer's Companion", they are as
> follows:
> "Delight used to mean a method with an internal place at all but one
> cross-sections.  All but two was Exercise, all but three was Pas-alla-tria,
> and all but four was Pas-alla-tessera."

You may be right that Exercise meant all but two rather than
all but one: I don't have an authoritative reference to
hand.  However, I find it very hard to believe that
Pas-alla-tria or Pas-alla-tessera were ever in actual usage.
Perhaps they were proposed at some point, but I very much
doubt they were used.

> Imperial is "another obsolete classification for a method in which imperial
> places are made" (eg Kent or Reverse Canterbury).

This doesn't seem consistent with the present-day methods
called something Imperial Bob.  There are nine (non-Little)
Plain major methods with Imperial in their names:

  Sawston Imperial     &-4-,1
  Queen Imperial       &-4-36-5.34.7,1
  Upton Imperial       &-4-,1
  Coslany Imperial     &-6-,1
  Oxford Imperial      &-1-,2
  Bisley Imperial      &-1.56.1-1.56.3,1
  Malvern Imperial     &34.1-6-3.6.5,1
  Llangollen Imperial  &34.1-36-1.56.3,1
  Elmore Imperial      &,2

Of these, Queen and Oxford have Kent or RC places; the rest
do not.  And Upton, if you ignore the seconds, does not have
any adjacent places at all!


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