[r-t] Contraventions and Constraints

Graham John graham at changeringing.co.uk
Mon Aug 11 13:09:11 UTC 2008

The approach taken by both the Norwich Axioms and Episode IV - A New Hope (as
I have nicknamed Philip Earis's rewite) is to throw the "rule book" away and
start again.

A parallel approach is to list specific contraventions (e.g. where a peal has
been has rung) and constraints individually to allow the specific merits of
each case, and their pros and cons, to be explored. 

One advantage of this approach is that support for each case can be gauged and
prioritised for eventual consideration by the MC and Council in bitesize form.
Polls could also be conducted to assess the level of support. This would make
it easier to make progress, as separate proposals could be drafted for each
case and well-suppported proposals progressed ahead of more contentious ones.
We have already seen from discussion here that there is consensus on some
issues, but not others.

Below is a quick list of contraventions and constraints compiled off the top
off my head. Each will have separate page on the wiki devoted to it, with
relevant discussion and references to any peals identifed etc. These pages can
also be used to document the contravening peals as suggested in an earlier

Please go to the wiki and add further items to the list, and also content to
the pages, to describe the issue, possible resolutions, and include any
examples you are aware of. Adding this information to the Wiki should make any
suggestions or conclusions arising from discussion on this list much easier to
follow, and avoid losing them to the depths of the archives. 


- Calls moving to another part of the same course 
- Splicing methods other than at the lead or half-lead 
- Naming new methods above Minor in quarter-peals 
- Methods false in the plain course 
- Dixonoids 
- Inclusion of partial extents below Major 
- Peals between 5000 and 5039 changes 
- Non-adjacent mixed stage ringing 
- Mixed stage ringing not in extents 
- More than one cover bell 
- Inverted twin or multiple hunt methods 
- Exceeding four blow places in a plain course 
- Jump change methods 
- Cylindrical ringing 
- Not starting in Rounds 
- Multi-minor not described as Spliced 
- The null change 
- Major longer than the extent 
- Peals not on bells 
- Towerbells not audible outside 


PS Fasthosts have now fixed the problem on the original site server, so
hopefully I should be able to restore the site to its original location this

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