[r-t] No worst, there is none

Don Morrison dfm at ringing.org
Tue Aug 12 18:30:19 UTC 2008

AJB asked
> We could have a debate about which is the worst method. There are so many
> bad ones about.
> Anything worse than Rutland? Any method that contrives to keep the big bells
> apart on the back as well as on the front?

While the line has much to commend it, if it's the usual sorts of
music you're trying to avoid then Girton College Surprise Major would
be a good place to start.


If, on the other hand, it's mind numbing tedium you're after, you
might want to give Derwent Surprise Major a try.


For a different sort of stupefaction, try Little Little Little Little
Penultimus Little Place Major. As if weren't bad enough that the line
is devoid of interesting landmarks, it's even boring just to say "Go
Little...". I suppose I should admit that I've rung a peal of the 2nds
place variant of this one, and even enjoyed it. It helped
immeasurably, though, that it was in hand, and that that 2nds place
lead end does add a lot more interest.


Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org>
"Much can be said about cabbages.... In the mass, however, they lack
a certain something; despite their claim to immense nutritional and
moral superiority over, say, daffodils, they have never been a sight
to inspire the poet's muse.                        -- Terry Pratchett

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