[r-t] New Grandsire [was Old methods]

edward martin edward.w.martin at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 21:00:32 UTC 2008

2008/7/22 Mark Davies <mark at snowtiger.net>:

> Eddie, me old cock, things have moved on: it's not the 17th Century any
> more. We like to ring methods and compositions, and we like to keep them
> pretty separate in our heads. We've changed since the old boys.

Of course we have you sweet thing you. but, nevertheless, while most of us
don't ring 'Hudabras' or 'A Cure for Melancholly'  too much any more,
Grandsire & its variants are still with us They liked to ring methods and
perforce keep compositions in their heads so I really don't see in what way
we have changed in that regard.

> We also don't particularly care about Grandsire Doubles any longer; it's
> just another method, with a plain course, like all the others. Exactly how
> the extent is constructed is a matter of great interest, of course, but
> it's
> not going to alter how we categorise methods from Doubles through Surprise
> Major up to Differential Maximus and all the rest.
Well that is a sad reflection on the current state of affairs & your
thinking. Here you have a method that's been with us from the beginning,
that has a plain course forced upon it so that smart arses can categorise
all change ringing methods as having plain courses, when clearly it is
incidental to the methid's principle

> I admit that New Grandsire is Grandsire inverted

If it was, and Grandsire had another place or two in the lead, why it would
be a different method. The trouble is, Grandsire is so homogenous in its
structure that Grandsire reversed is Grandsire rotated is Grandsire.

I don't understand either of those sentances.

Currently I'm working on a Principle that requires a long bob,  and I'm not
quite sure whether or not it would be considered kosher by y'all.
Personally, I couldn't give a dingo's kidney whether it is or it isn't  but
you'd be gratified to hear that it does have a plain course and this bob is
a means of passing from one course  to another. I see that to date there
have only been two peals of Martin's Triples I think as its author I really
have moved on and owe what success I may have not from asking a computer to
find stuff for me but, as with the ancients, to try to reason out how things
work and that without having a degree in mathematical group theory

Eddie Martin
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