[r-t] Odds & sods

Leigh Simpson lists at simpleigh.com
Thu Jul 31 10:44:38 UTC 2008

> Mark said "Method libraries, Robin, method libraries" (27th inst.)
> The Libraries contain place notations which can be
> easily downloaded into some sort of proving program. How would you
> libraryize a 'rules' method?

Well that's purely a matter of nomenclature. As a first step, a text
description of the rules would suffice along with the method's name. When a
concise way of describing these things (almost certainly being a notation
change with respect to the positions of one or more bells) is developed,
then this can be added.

Just because something can't be easily described in a machine parse-able
form doesn't mean it's invalid.

Rule-based constructions are really quite old. Algorithms to generate the
extent based on hunt bells are obvious, but then Plain bob and Dixon's
variation are natural extensions. It seems probable (correct me if I'm
wrong) that most early peals of Kent Max were rules-based variants, in an
attempt to keep the tenors out of the slow. Almost all methods can be
described using rules, e.g. places made relative to a hunt bell.



In any case, It doesn't seem too hard to develop a notation for rule-based
constructions. We could describe Plain Bob Minor:


So start with the basic block of -16 (original), then we look at the treble,
the change between points where it's at lead (1sts place twice), and make
the notation 12.

Grandsire Doubles becomes:

5.1:1,12,3; (thirds made when the treble moves from lead to seconds place)

Dixon's Minor:


Reverse Canterbury Doubles:

5.1:1,11,12;1,21,345;1,12,345; (I think, can't be bothered checking).

The point is that it's not difficult to conceive of descriptions for the
basic structure. Admittedly there's a problem in making sure that the
description is general enough to embrace all possibilities which might be
rung, concise, and unique (possibly enforceable by sorting the rules
appended to the basic block, and ensuring that the block is the minimum unit

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