[r-t] Bobs only peal of Plain Bob Triples

Philip Earis Earisp at rsc.org
Thu Jun 14 11:41:36 UTC 2012

Robert Bennett:
"The comp for the 1715 peal is (I think)  unknown, but the Grandsire Triples peal in 1718 is true, so the odds are quite good that Garthon managed to get PB7 right. It is possible that he pre-invented Annable's peal"

This is very interesting.  It seems a too strong of the Records Committee to describe the Mancroft performance as "The first known true peal" if the composition is not known.  Can anyone (Richard Allton) shed more light on this? What is the earliest known peal for which a true composition survives?

The Norwich Scholars
Norwich, Norfolk
St Peter Mancroft
Tenor: 28
On Thursday 2 May 1715, in 3 hours and 18 minutes
5,040 Plain Bob Triples
composed by John Garthon
1	John Garthon (C)
2	Isaac Pearce
3	John Briggs
4	James Brooke
5	David Sannevill
6	Thomas Gardiner
7	William Dixon
8	Robert Woodcock
The first known true peal.
Grandsire Bob Triples was what is now known as Plain Bob Triples. There is some evidence pointing to an earlier peal at St Sepulchre's Newgate, around 1690, but no details can be confirmed.


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