[r-t] Non-non-method non-method blocks

Don Morrison dfm at ringing.org
Fri Dec 5 17:05:25 UTC 2014

I was interested to note that the methods committee collection is now
recording what its (err, sorry, the Council's) decisions consistently call
"non-method blocks". Even more interestingly, they seem to have
recognized that "non-method" is a non-good appellation, and appear to
refer to them exclusively as "blocks" with not a single "non-method"
in sight.

On the downside, if non-method blocks are just "blocks" what are the
subunits in many compositions that have been termed "blocks" for at
least decades, possibly longer? Is it just a bit of polysemy we must
live with, where no concern is paid to official records introducing
ambiguity that affects only things ringers say, not things explicitly
defined in the decisions?

Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org>
"Very few of the major philosophers have held university
chairs."   -- Will and Ariel Durant, _The Age of Louis XIV_

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