[r-t] Quarters of cyclic major

Don Morrison dfm at ringing.org
Tue Dec 9 15:13:42 UTC 2014

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Tim Barnes <tjbarnes23 at gmail.com> wrote:
> This means the same composition can be described in more than one way, but
> perhaps that isn't a problem.

It doesn't seem to cause any problems that we can already do it today.
While I know a few folks have strong opinions on the matter, how many
people really lie awake at night worrying whether Marcus Sherwood's
six part of nine spliced contains Glasgow or Huddersfield? Does
Smith's twenty-three really start with Yorkshire, or is that
Woodstock? Have I just rung an extent of Single Court, or was that
Original? Cambridge with half-lead bobs or King Edward?

Has any troublemaker ever sent up a peal of Stedman Triples as
spliced Erin and Bastow, with 839 com (840 if you're MBD)?

We trust folks to be sensible about how they send things up. Most
of the time they are. On those rare occasions when someone does
choose to do something silly the sky comes no lower, and we just
roll our eyes. At worst someone stamps his feet and has a tantrum
at a Central Council meeting, rewarding the silly action with extra
public exposure.

Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org>
"The pool of starving actors is larger than the one of
starving accountants, even if you assume that, on average,
they earn the same income."
      -- Nassim Nocholas Taleb, _The Black Swan_

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