[r-t] Shipway Minor

Ben Waller b.j.waller at hotmail.co.uk
Thu Jun 12 12:57:49 UTC 2014

Ander Holroyd wrote:
> Despite the elegance and simplicity of the method, it seems to be rather
> awkward to get an extent of the minor stage. This may partly explain why
> minor was apparently not named until 1993 (with a pretty challenging
> extent by Jonathan Deane, I believe), while major was pealed in 1840.

I went though a phase of interest in this method, but the type of calls employed put me off somewhat due to the complexity and the way they seemed rather 'unnatural' to ring.

> I have recently found an
> extent that does not disrupt the front work -- see below. It uses 3
> different types of calls, but they are the nicest 3 one could hope for:
> Stedman Triples type bobs and singles, and a Stedman Doubles type single
> in the middle of an eight (henceforth called an extreme).

This is a vast improvement on the previous extent, but it has made me wonder...  Is it possible to obtain a 1440 with the 'Stedman Triples-type' bob and single only, or even just bobs?  i.e. Can the extremes be dispensed with for an MEB?



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