[r-t] various

Andrew Graham ajgraham42 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 29 09:08:14 UTC 2014

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Robin Woolley <robin at robinw.org.uk>
>Gluon(etc.) is only provisional, since it has not been rung since the CC mtg. 
>in May.

This is pretty daft though isn't it, since it has been rung in 3 peals that were published in the Ringing World.  What justification is there for still regarding its name as 'provisional'?  It has been named and classified and people ought to be able to find the PN for it in a straightforward manner.
'Hiding' methods that the Methods Committee don't approve of is rather dishonest IMHO.
>I have remarked, and given reasons, before that I have no problem with 
>methods false in the plain course but I cannot see the reason for a 
>method with only one lead - if only because a plain lead is never 
>available in a composition. I could define a bob-lead of Bristol S8 as a 
>bob-lead of a 2nds-place 1-lead method, but why would I want to? 
>(Because I can is never a good reason for anything.)

Well, that's interesting, because it clearly is possible to ring a plain lead of one of these 'methods' in a plain course as it's been done: 
Admittedly, you'll struggle to ring 2nds place Bristol Major (anyone for an 80K?)...
I (in part) agree with you that these methods don't have much point.  But you're missing the point- one of the reasons we rang that peal was to demonstrate the botch-job the CC had done with the rule changes in May.  Although it actually was a quite fun way to ring a peal of Minor as it turned out.
None of the previous (or planned) non-compliant peals used one-lead course methods and this change wasn't something that was particularly wanted (though I can see that it's an inevitable consequence of allowing more hunt-bells than working bells).
I see above that you don't seem to have a problem with methods false in the plain course.  Do I therefore assume that you object to having differentials with 10 hunt bells and only 2 working bells?
If not, I fail to see why you object to the Quark peal so much as these are the only two previous rules that it breaks.  I presume you must really hate it as you bang on about it at every possible opportunity.

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