[r-t] Doubles 240s

Iain Anderson iain at 13to8.co.uk
Wed Mar 18 08:15:00 UTC 2015

On 2015-03-17 23:21, Mark Davies wrote:
> But the exercise as a whole has to draw a line someone. You can't just 
> say "anything is a peal". I don't think we want some horrible 
> situation where half of us are ringing peals that the other half don't 
> think are proper peals. A set of standards is a good thing.
When I read the word "standards", the first thing that came to my mind 
was the quality of the ringing, something for which we have no 
meaningful measure or record.  Why is that a band is trusted to 
determine for themselves the appropriateness of how they ring, but not 
what they ring?
If half of us ring something, then I would suggest that that is 
mainstream.  Why would anybody consider something so popular not to be 
proper?  Or was the reference to "half" a slight exaggeration on your 
behalf?  How about this instead:
I don't think we want some horrible situation where an insignificant 
number of us are ringing peals that an insignificant number don't think 
are proper peals.
The vast majority of us a) don't care, and b) didn't ring so our opinion 
is insignificant compared to the opinion of the band.


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