[r-t] Handstroke-home Cyclic Maximus
Mark Davies
mark at snowtiger.net
Wed Aug 17 11:44:22 UTC 2016
Recently I've been working with Jack Gunning on some multi-part cyclic
Maximus peals. The benchmark here is David Pipe's brilliant 6-spliced:
I set to wondering if there was a different take on this theme. My
primary inspiration came from the spliced Royal peals I devised in
collaboration with Chris Poole - see e.g.:
The simple but clever idea behind these arrangements is Chris's - you
just bob a bell (to start with the 2nd or tenor) through to the middle
of the coursing order, producing a cyclic course end at handstroke.
Repeating with the next bell gives the normal succession of cyclic
courses, but alternating hand and back, and ending up in the reverse of
the plain course to give a handstroke-home finish. I like this idea,
because the alternation of strokes adds real interest to the normal
cyclic succession.
This plan works brilliantly on ten bells, because there are only five
positions needed to jump a bell from one "end" to the "middle" of the
coursing order. Two ordinary bobs or a 16 big bob do the trick nicely.
But on twelve bells, a jump of 6 positions is required - not so easy. A
link method, a la Pipe, would solve this problem perfectly well, but I
wanted to break the mould a little bit, and the whole handstroke home
thing left me thinking about one method alone, and a very old and
traditional one at that: Grandsire.
Now, Alex Byrne always used to tell me he thought the plain course of
Grandsire was very musical and much under-rated, and in this I think he
is correct. What's more, half a plain course of the method does exactly
what we need for a cyclic shunt, moving the hunt bell across half the
coursing order. Naturally this is a bit longer than a link method, but
the half course is musical in its own right, and, when I thought about
it, I really liked the shock value of using Grandsire Maximus in a peal
of cyclic Surprise/Delight/Alliance. (Comments welcome on that!)
Here are two arrangements on this new plan. In the first, I begin by
moving the 2nd through the coursing order using the Grandsire, and so
finish with the single-hunt methods. These are chosen to maximise the
run counts in both the handstroke and backstroke cyclic courses, and
include the library methods Counter's Creek, Neptune and Fallen Angel,
which turn out to be ideally suited for this purpose, as well as a
selection of more standard methods, some in common with Pipe's peal. The
beauty of it is, it becomes a perfect "five and a half part", with
rounds occurring at handstroke one change before the final "half-part" end.
5003 Spliced Max, Composed by MBD (no.6)
9m: 1320 Grandsire; 1104 Counter's Creek D; 574 Bristol S; 528 Deira D
(E), Neptune S; 287 Fallen Angel S; 240 Phobos S, Strathclyde S; 180
Deimos A; 82 COM.
2TE09876543 GGGGG |
3547698E02T EBCBCCNF | a
3T20e896745 GGGGG |
4567890ET23 ENCSPD |
(243658709TE) 5a
Rounds at the handstroke lead of Fallen Angel in the 6th part.
The second arrangement moves the bells in the opposite direction, i.e.
tenor first, and so comes round in the Grandsire. The final cyclic shunt
does not come out at the correct lead for rounds, so we need to ring
some bobbed leads of Grandsire to get there - this is like the plain
course of the single-hunt methods. Although this looks slightly less
neat, I love the idea of finishing with a proper Handstroke Home course
in the Grandsire. This is normally so painful to get to in a peal of the
single method - could it be that this cyclic spliced prelude will come
to be seen as the natural turning course for Grandsire Maximus!
5039 Spliced Max, Composed by MBD (no.5)
10m: 1439 Grandsire; 576 Deimos A; 528 Deira D (E); 480 Bristol S, Via
Gellia S, Woodstock S; 288 Phobos S, Strathclyde S; 240 Avon D,
Horsleydown S. 79 COM.
T0E89674523 ESPD
T32547698E0 GGGGG |
E098765432T EABWWBPD | b
ET234567890 GGGGG |
089674523ET ESVHVDD |
2ET90785634 4b
23547698E0T GGGG
(32547698E0T) G-G-G-G-G-G
Comments, criticisms and suggestions welcome. If you ring either peal,
I'd love to hear about it.
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