[r-t] Tenors together spliced maximus

Philip Earis pje24 at cantab.net
Tue May 31 08:16:46 UTC 2016

Jack: "This leads me to desire two compositions of spliced maximus..."

I'm a bit puzzled by some of your message.

Methods like Phobos and Deimos were purposefully designed to give 
concentrated music when used in a particular compositional framework.

More specifically, they were designed to be used in cyclic 11-part 
compositions: the only leads to be rung would be the musical "pivot leads", 
ie where the 2nd or the tenor of the part is the pivot bell.

Your request seems a bit convoluted - to base a spliced composition around 
restricted building blocks (here methods that have runs in every lead of the 
course) when that restriction is somewhat orthogonal to presumptive desired 
outcome (an elegant spliced composition with good music).

Many spliced compositions skilfully use methods that in the plain course may 
be somewhat suspect but which when rung in the relevant lead in the 
composition give a nice effect.

Like you, I don't have an intrinsic prejudice against non-atw spliced 
compositions. It all depends on the effect being chased, and how well this 
is achieved.  But it should be said that the approach you are requesting can 
often lead to contrived effects.  Eg a desire to hit the "musical" leads 
means you can end up ringing repeated short courses, such as method groups 
fbf (eg the touch London Cambridge London)...lots of the non-atw 
multi-spliced compositions rung in the 1980s (and some more recently) relied 
on this...the back bells end up ringing the same leads repeatedly, which is 
rather formulaic and dull.

The same is true (I think) of the composition of the one peal (spliced 
surprise) rung so far on 22 bells.

I would caution that if you start off with the design aim of just including 
methods you'd want to ring a single peal of (I'm leaving aside my scepticism 
that such a category exists :-) ), you'll fall into the trap that occurs 
periodically when some ringers talk about coming up with a "better standard 
8".  Firstly, methods that are intrinsically "good" might not splice 
together well, but more fundamentally the overall concept is a bit dodgy to 
my mind - the overall desired effect should take precedence, not the 
individual components (which are tools to achieve the end result).

I realise I am hardly answering the direct questions you posed.  I'll likely 
further provoke your ire now when suggesting a composition that doesn't 
match your requirements, but here goes...you can get elegant, 
tenors-together and atw compositions in widely-rung methods.  Here's a very 
nice palindrome by Alex Byrne that I like:

5184 Spliced TD Maximus (4 methods)
    - RRRRRR.
- - - R.RRRRR.R.
- - - R.RRRRR.R.

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