[r-t] Lead head codes redux

Graham John graham at changeringing.co.uk
Wed Jun 21 08:34:19 UTC 2017

On 21 June 2017 at 01:41, Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org> wrote:

> I suppose a useful step towards answering that question might be working out
> for how many extant methods that would change the code.

There are currently only 11 methods with leadhead codes of p, q, r, s
plus a number, so the impact of a simple renumbering of these codes to
include the missing short course leadheads would be minimal.

> (I am presuming "renumber them to work like the even stages" is just
> shorthand for "renumber the single hunt at odd stages and twin hunt at even
> stages ones to work like the single hunt at even stages and twin hunt at odd
> stages ones".)

Re-lettering like that would be a much bigger change, but other than
recording these codes in collections, I am not sure what use is made
of them. I imagine the biggest impact would be to make the use of
those letters in printed publications out of date causing possible
confusion to subsequent readers of them.


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