[r-t] 147 TD Minor all the work
Alexander E Holroyd
holroyd at uw.edu
Sat Apr 9 23:28:53 BST 2022
I have managed to get the standard 147 treble-dodging minor into an all-the-work composition of 18720 (26 extents). This is one extent more than the obvious lower bound of 18000 (25 extents), which applies because 5 leads of each method makes 24.5 extents. I would not be surprised if an 18000 exists, but I have not found one.
I think the previous record was 20160 (28 extents), first achieved by Richard Smith, beating an earlier record of 21600 (30 extents) by John Warboys. (Please correct me if I have any of this wrong).
In contrast with these, this one is a 5-part. Moreover, it contains plain leads of every method. Consequently there are very few calls (only 6 per part, in fact). (I know some people are not so much into this style of composition - that is a matter of taste).
In fact, the leads of the composition can be separated into two 9360s, containing respectively all the Surprise and 4ths place Delight methods, and all the Treble Bob and 3rds place Delight methods. It is very striking that the former exists: there are only 2 "leads to spare" in the part. The latter can be arranged to have plain leads of every method.
It is not possible to get all the TB and 3D methods in the obvious lower bound of 8640 in a 5-part (always assuming my code is correct).
Finally, the last two compositions can simply be bolted together part by part to get a different 5-part 18720 (this time without the "plain leads" property).
-- Ander
18720 147-Spliced Treble Dodging Minor Op. Atw, plain lead of each method
Composed by Alexander E Holroyd
23456 2 3 4 Methods
56342 WeCe (2)
35264 MoMlCl (3)
42356 - CcBnC2. (3)
25463 PvLeMdBtC2
25463 KtCzWw (3)
56234 SnOsQu (3)
63542 CxMp (2)
63542 NmC3PnC1Sg
56234 NwCtEvTeFo
56234 ChMuTiAkSh
63542 NbWhGlWoSa
25463 AvVaKeCdSw
25463 CuLiCo (3)
42356 CaLoSo (3)
34625 PoDtWwWt (4)
36425 s TrLuKmKm. (4)
54236 OxCvDk (3)
36425 BaFgFrCg (4)
62354 CmLvBs (3)
25436 - NoWmMaHm. (4)
42653 HmBmAbBcTa
64325 NeWs (2)
25436 OlNsBrSl (4)
25436 RoCbAdNg (4)
64325 DoCsSk (3)
36542 DnWlBgPeRs
25436 BpNlCjBpBl
53264 SdDiRiCnBz
64325 DuBoBuHu (4)
36542 BvKiBkSuHe
25436 YoPrIpElCr
26453 - WaYo.Nf (3)
53642 LfWkSt (3)
53642 EyKnWvBl (4)
26453 MeCwBeWiWr
26453 EsLsCfOc (4)
34526 MsCiNyKs (4)
35426 s RcDi. (2)
52364 EdPmKhBy (4)
35264 - BhTr. (2)
42635 CkCyWfBw (4)
5 part.
Contains 240 Belvoir Delight (Bl), British Scholars' Pleasure Treble Bob (Bp), Chiltern Treble Bob (C2), Disley Delight, Humber Delight (Hm), Killamarsh Treble Bob (Km), Trinity Sunday Treble Bob, Warwick Delight (Ww), York Surprise; 120 Abbeyville Delight (Av), Allendale Surprise (Ad), Alnwick Surprise (Ak), Annable's London Surprise (Ab), Bacup Surprise (Bc), Balmoral Delight, Bamborough Surprise (Bm), Barham Delight (Bh), Bedford Delight, Beeston Delight (Bt), Berkeley Delight (By), Berwick Surprise (Bk), Berwyn Treble Bob (Bw), Beverley Surprise (Bv), Bogedone Delight (Bg), Bourne Surprise, Braintree Delight, Bucknall Delight (Bn), Burnaby Delight, Burslem Delight (Bs), Burton Treble Bob (Bz), Caernarvon Delight (Cz), Cambridge Delight (Cg), Cambridge Surprise (Cm), Canterbury Delight, Canterbury Surprise (Ct), Capel Treble Bob (Ci), Carisbrooke Delight (Ck), Carlisle Surprise (Cl), Castleton Delight (Cx), Chadkirk Treble Bob (Cj), Charlwood Delight (Cw), Chelsea Delight (Cc), Chepstow Delight (Cs), Chester Surprise, Cheviot Treble Bob (C3), Clarence Delight (Cr), Coldstream Surprise, College Bob IV Delight (Cb), College Exercise Treble Bob (Cf), Combermere Delight (Ce), Conisborough Delight (Cn), Conway Delight (Cy), Cotswold Treble Bob (C1), Coventry Delight (Cv), Crowland Delight (Cd), Cunecastre Surprise, Donottar Delight (Dt), Dover Delight, Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob (Dk), Dunedin Delight (Dn), Durham Surprise, Edinburgh Delight, Elston Delight, Ely Delight (Ey), Evening Star Delight (Es), Evesham Delight, Fotheringay Delight (Fg), Fountains Delight, Francis Genius Delight, Glastonbury Delight, Hexham Surprise, Hull Surprise, Ipswich Surprise, Kelso Surprise, Kent Treble Bob (Kt), Kentish Delight (Kh), Kingston Treble Bob (Ks), Kirkstall Delight, Knutsford Delight, Leasowe Delight, Lightfoot Surprise (Lf), Lincoln Surprise, London Scholars' Pleasure Treble Bob (Ls), London Surprise, London Victory Delight (Lv), Ludlow Delight, Marple Delight, Melandra Delight (Md), Melrose Delight (Ml), Mendip Treble Bob (Mp), Merton Delight, Morning Star Treble Bob (Ms), Morpeth Surprise, Munden Surprise, Neasden Delight (Ns), Nelson Treble Bob (Nl), Netherseale Surprise, Newcastle Surprise (Nw), Newdigate Delight (Ng), Norbury Treble Bob (Ny), Norfolk Surprise (Nf), Northumberland Surprise (Nb), Norton-le-Moors Treble Bob (Nm), Norwich Surprise, Ockley Treble Bob, Old Oxford Delight, Oswald Delight, Oxford Treble Bob, Pembroke Delight (Pm), Pennine Treble Bob (Pn), Pevensey Delight, Peveril Delight (Pv), Pontefract Delight, Primrose Surprise, Quantock Treble Bob, Richborough Delight, Rochester Treble Bob (Rc), Rossendale Surprise, Rostherne Delight (Rs), Sandal Treble Bob (Sd), Sandiacre Surprise, Sherborne Delight, Skipton Delight, Snowdon Treble Bob, Southwark Delight, St Albans Delight (Sl), St Werburgh Delight (Sw), Stamford Surprise, Stirling Delight (Sg), Surfleet Surprise, Taxal Delight, Tewkesbury Delight, Tintern Delight, Vale Royal Delight, Waltham Delight, Warkworth Surprise (Wk), Waterford Treble Bob (Wf), Wath Delight (Wt), Wearmouth Surprise (Wm), Wells Surprise, Westminster Surprise (Ws), Whitley Surprise, Willesden Delight, Wilmslow Delight (Wl), Woodcock's Victory Treble Bob (Wv), Wooler Surprise, Wragby Delight; 769 com; atw.
26 Queens, 26 Tittums, 26 Kings/Whittingtons, 26 Backrounds, 139 65s at back.
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