[Stretham-rec] Practices for Week beginning 12 July

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 16:30:22 BST 2021

Hi All,
The Zoom links for the Monday, Wednesday and Saturday hand bell sessions
are set out below.
Thank you to those who sent kind thoughts when Cima, my cat, went missing.
Your emails were very much appreciated and I apologise for not responding
to you individually. Cima did return after five nights, thinner but overall
OK. I suspect she got trapped somewhere.
Now on with the ringing....
Best wishes,

*Monday Tower Bells*

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 4165 6225
Passcode: 026151

*Wednesday Hand and Tower Bells*

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 5469 4167
Passcode: 905439

*Saturday Handbell session please use this link:*


*Meeting ID: 851 2491 1727Passcode: 142536*

*July 2021*

*Monday 12*

*Wednesday 14*

*Saturday 17*

*7pm- 8pm – Steve Setter/Louise Dobson*

*Handbells 6.15 to 7pm -Dee Smith*

*10.15  EDA Handbells – 11.30 (Please use the same link each week)-Lesley

Plain Hunt, Plain Bob Doubles, Plain Bob Minor, St Simons and St Martins
and Little Bob.

Continuing to look at Singles in Bob Minor and Little Bob and splicing the
two methods.

All welcome for Handbells from beginners to experienced : Rounds, Plain
Hunt, Plain Bob Minor and Major, Treble Bob and Little Bob Minor.

A session for beginners and improvers on Handbells and/or Ringing Room.
Handbell teachers and helpers will be there to support you. Rounds, Plain
Hunt, Plain Bob Minor and Major, Original and more.

*Tower Bells 7 pm – 8pm -  Dee smith*

*We are ringing Kent and Oxford Treble Bob, Plain Courses, touches and
splicing. Plus, any other requests!*
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