[Stretham-rec] REC Practices for Week Beginning Monday 19 July

Louise Dobson louise9595 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 18 19:12:27 BST 2021

Hi All,
There will be two online practices at the REC this week, the Monday tower
bell practice at 7pm and the Wednesday hand bell practice at 6:15pm. There
will be a Saturday hand bell practice. Zoom details are below. First, I
would be grateful if you would read the following and answer a couple of
questions. All replies will be treated as confidential. I am asking as it
would be of great help to know what people want to do in the coming weeks.
>From tomorrow the Government has lifted all restrictions and responsibility
has now been moved to how we, as individuals, wish to proceed in relation
to Covid. The REC will, of course, be following CCCBR guidelines which can
be found at:

There are people ringing at their own towers and the question has been when
should we open the REC? The aim is to open on the morning of Saturday 31
July and book in those who would like to check on or refresh their handling
skills. That is still the intention but it is dependent on what happens
over the next two weeks.
I am aware that we all, quite rightly, have individual views on whether it
is safe to return to ringing. The REC is different to tower band practices
where often the same people meet each week. There is also the question of
how long online practices should continue. I would be grateful for your
answers to the following:

1. What do we do about the Monday online practice? The online practices
filled a void when we could not physically ring. As more ringers are
attending tower practices and this is the summer period (with sunshine!):
a. Shall we call this Mondays practice the last one for now, to be
resurrected if the situation changes?
b. Would anyone like to continue with these and we can make it an open

2. Is anyone interested in attending a REC practice? If so, what for?
Refresher one to one handling? Ringing as a band? - if there are no social
distancing rules then six bells can be rung, if distancing rules are
re-instated then the maximum number is four.

If people do want to come to a REC practice then:
1. We will discuss with people as to whether they want attendees to wear
2. Anti-bacterial gel will be used between changing ropes.

One of my main worries is that I may unknowingly be carrying the virus and
I pass it on to someone. It is preferable for people to have been double
vaccinated to increase their own safety. However, some individuals are
unable to be vaccinated. They are still  welcome but they, along with those
who have been vaccinated, need to be aware that they attend at their own
risk. We will do our best to run practices in as safe a fashion as can be
reasonably expected and in accordance with guidelines but it is ultimately
each individuals decision as to what level of risk they feel comfortable

Apologies for being so serious. I want to ensure everyone feels safe and
comfortable and their views respected.
Best wishes and looking forward to your replies,

*Monday 19 July - 7pm - Tower Bell Practice*
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 811 8226 8326
Passcode: 420005

*Wednesday 21 July - 6:15pm - Handbell Practice*
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 9959 1304
Passcode: 241820

*Saturday 24 July - 10:15 am - Hand bell practice*


*Meeting ID: 851 2491 1727Passcode: 142536*
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