[Bell Historians] Preservation lists

Michael Wilby michael_wilby at y...
Thu Feb 21 15:28:15 GMT 2002

Chris Pickford <c.j.pickford at t...> wrote: As a known maverick on these things, I'm not a great believer in listing -
or in the preservation lists. But we're in danger of confusing what the
lists are for. They aren't about quality (sadly) but about historical
significance or (as Stephen Ivin - possibly quoting Paul Taylor) once
expressed it rather well) preserving bells because we happen to know what
the founder had for breakfast on the day they were cast!

I'm not very keen on Wolverhampton either - but as the first true-harmonic
twelve (what a pity Taylors didn't pip Gilletts to it and produce a first
class one between 1896 and 1911) they do have historical significance. But
does this mean we should prevent future improvement?
Where there's arson, there's hope? ;-)


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