[Bell Historians] Tenor Weights

John Paul Adams J.Adams at u...
Thu Sep 12 12:28:12 BST 2002


>> I don't know about that, but someone told me some years ago that the 
>> tenor at Helmsley came out at exactly 15cwt after tuning. Someone at 
>> Taylors thought that nobody would take this at face value and it 
>> would ever more be thought to be an estimate. Therefore it is listed 
>> as 14-3-27. Probably an urban myth, but why let the truth get in the 
>> way of a good story!

Something that I have always wondered about is that shouldn't this occour
once every 28 bells on average? How many bells that come out at an exact
quarter of a hundredweight are now listed as approximate!


John Paul Adams, Medical School IT Support Section,
University College London, London, WC1E 6BT.
Work: 020-7679-6867. Email: J.Adams at u...
WWW: http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ccaajpa/

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