[Bell Historians] Trebles on higher numbers

Michael Wilby michael at i...
Tue Aug 10 13:29:40 BST 2004

--- In bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com, "Andrew Wilby" <andrew at w...> 
> From memory soon after they were hung the Bullring treble generated 
94dB against
> 116dB from the tenor. Bear in mind that 10dB represents a doubling 
of volume and
> you can see the problem.

Pretty sure the treble was in the hundreds - maybe as much (little!) 
as 108dB - but the point is well made. From the 5th to the treble, 
the volumes started to decrease but there was a relatively huge drop 
from the 2nd to the treble. The weight makes a bit of an increase at 
that point too:

Treble 5-3-22 D 
2nd. 5-3-9 C
3rd. 5-3-5 B
4th. 6-1-11 A 
5th. 6-1-21 G

That being said - and I'm definitely not one to defend these trebles 
(I think they should be recast drawing on the experiences at Dublin 
and Perth) - in changes the bells do the "job". The strike is all 
you hear. The fact 1 & 2 can't really be heard outside has much more 
to do with their hanging below a concrete ring beam; there's an 
obvious solution to that one...


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