multiple ringers

David Bryant david at b...
Tue Mar 16 23:53:32 GMT 2004

The recent correspondence in the RW about more than one ringer on large
bells has been quite interesting, and I think can come within our remit as
part of the history of ringing!

I was interested in the description of how Exeter tenor was rung to Major. I
would have thought that two ropes coming off of the wheel would have
interfered with each other in the pulley box and affected the go of the
bell - was this overcome in any way, does anyone know?

While on the subject, I think it's important to note that many of the
earlier peals with more than one ringer on the tenor probably didn't have a
strapper in the modern sense. There are records of peals at York with three
ringers listed for the tenor, but apparently only one of them was on the
bell at any one time. I think I remember reading somewhere that when WIlliam
Pye first attempted to turn in the tenor at Exeter he handed the bell over
to a ringer waiting in the tower for that purpose.


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