DAC bell consultants

Susan Dalton dalton.family at v...
Tue May 18 10:52:55 BST 2004

John Ketteringham's remark about the Hereford consultant(s) was a bit 
unhelpful, despite the exclamation marks.

Without going into too much detail, our DAC here felt that it needed a
consultant who combined knowledge of - and sympathy for - good ringing
installations with knowledge of - and sympathy for - what is worth
preserving and conserving from the work of previous generations. Mark is
more of a bell historian than he makes out, as his collection of bell books
(almost as good as mine!!) bears testimony.

It is all a question of BALANCE.

Our DAC also felt a great need for someone who would be really helpful on
site and never say 'no', but rather work with local people to devise a
scheme that would work and satisfy as many different interests as possible.

There is also the point that there can be a conflict of interests/loyalties
when a DAC bell consultant is also on the CCC Bells and Clock Committee and
therefore representing the CCC.

Lincoln has maybe been unfortunate with its previous advisers/consultants.
But then I think things have changed a lot since the days when Salisbury had
an adviser who didn't care a jot for anything old, and allowed the
destruction of medieval and fine later bells and frames by the dozen. Neil
Skelton changed all that, while keeping a sensible balance, and his
successors have I think followed Neil's good example. Indeed I think that
is now true across most of the dioceses, though I can't speak for Lincoln
with its Masonic succession...


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