[Bell Historians] Re: Kettering

Michael Wilby michael at i...
Thu May 20 14:44:54 BST 2004

> > And as bellringers should we not simply be pleased that they are 
> > going out of Kettering tower? ;-)
> I don't know - is it really necessary to replace them All? 
Presumably the modern Gillett and Taylor bells will be good (apart 
from the cracked one).

Don't know - they're probably OK, however seeing as the new job was 
probably going to Whitechapel from outset, I suspect having a 
complete 12 was seen as the "answer".

> Is it a case of poor tower acoustics? Is work on tower acoustics 
being done along with the installation of the new bells?

The acoustics were certainly poor beforehand (the bells didn't sound 
bad outside) - quiet trebles, dominant tenors, and generally uneven. 
We rang a very good peal there and almost enjoyed them; I went back 
and rang another (more average) one and didn't like the experience...

I understand floors are being replaced and moved. Without wishing to 
take anything away from the vision and determination of those behind 
the project, one hopes that the internal acoustics at Kettering are 
being more carefully considered than was the case at both St Martin-
in-the-Fields and Shoreditch.


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