William Seller

John Ketteringham john.ketteringham27 at MvA_5dGilyYiSe7LgNkZL24eIXbA58KiWgHfRtYeDmvEhXYc4GibIUHuR0hGgbINAQiXF9wh275kMjMnZvTDyCBfDFwPOxkOQAGj.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 22 09:54:15 GMT 2006

I don't think we can be very positive about this bell until someone actually
sees it and transcribes the inscription in full and in particular checks the

 So far as I am aware no bells are known to have been cast by William Seller
after 1688.     From 1662 to 1681 37 bells were cast by him and all but two,
which are at Preston Yorks,  are in Lincolnshire.    From 1682 to 1688
Seller was working in conjunction with Humphrey Wilkinson I of Lincoln and
19 bells were cast and all but one, which was hung at Bothamsall Notts, were
hung in Lincolnshire towers.   So it seems a bit strange that a  bell was
cast as  late as 1731  by William and hung in Wiltshire.

The above information is taken from Lincolnshire Bells and Bellfounders
which I compiled and edited but the research should properly be credited to
George Dawson.

Only two copies left of the reprint of this book!!!!


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