[Bell Historians] Holmfirth?

David Bryant davidbryant at 152FmwVISvgygwZHd3YYz2G-62bQLIhi0jsSdDjSccQTaVN-hWhRONb9VJRYzwDi53K1qDM-wdnGs7K609yoNDP_.yahoo.invalid
Sat Mar 11 13:35:38 GMT 2006

"The thing that strikes me about the pictures is that Homfirth church is
built into the side of a hill. If you assume that the bottom picture is in
front of the church (there is a gravesone in the background) then there is
the suggestion of the tower at the back of the photo which is where the hill
should be rising up (next to Nora Batty's café). There also appears to be
buttresses in the background and as far as I can remember Holmfirth doesn't
have any."

And according to Dove the tenor at Holmfirth is only 12 cwt - the bell in 
the picture looks much larger than this.



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