[Bell Historians] was Charlton Adam

E. John Arthur john at mKufzwDi-1quo7oOod2XgtB7KwxjAoUSKw338_IPrrjRsQiBLqcORf_e5CgR_jkSnXc9HqGfruSJxl_UHPIEcQ.yahoo.invalid
Mon Feb 19 20:29:40 GMT 2007

In his postingl Rodney asked "What is going on up there (Yorkshire)."

To start with Yorkshire is a large geographical county with the following Diocese:
Wakefield, Sheffield, Bradford, Ripon & Leeds and York. All these have independent DAC's and slightly differing rules about what can and cannot be carried out without a Faculty. The York list can be found at: 

Picking up on what David was referring to I am fully aware that there have been activities within York which I have discovered work had been carried out which would properly be due a Faculty. Advisers can only visit a parish after a request has come from the parish. In some of these cases I know that work has been done after I had visited and sent an advice report* to the parish. If work has been done then I am sure the Archdeacons would want to follow this up, however, we then move into the extremely difficult area of pastoral care for many small and financially stretched small parishes. The ultimate measure would be a Consistory Court hearing. These are both costly and someone bears the cost and still would rarely get the job done correctly. 

*Advice reports here are presented to the DAC and adopted. Having been adopted are covered by liability insurance held by the Diocese.

John Arthur

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